Dear Adventure Painters,
PaintTheParks is growing, and I’m excited about the project. I’ve been reaching out to artists and plein air groups across the US and internationally, and I’m happy about the positive response. Many of you have expressed interest in www.PaintTheParks.com, and I would love to have you participate. Participation is easy, many of you already have Park Paintings, here is how:
1.Make a Parks Page
On your website, dedicate at least one page to your park paintings, and indicate a minimum of 10% donation from any sale to the respective park association. A park is any nature reserve set aside for conversation and public use. So this includes national, state, county, even city parks – the idea is to visit protected park lands and paint them ~ in your home area and all around the world. We want to preserve these precious places for future generations. Your Parks Page is the page I will link to. Read more at http://www.painttheparks.com/how-to-participate
2. Upload
Go to http://www.painttheparks.com/participationform and provide the URL of the Parks Page on your website. Upload a good quality image of a painting (no frames or background). This is what will represent your artwork on PTP. For a sample of what your complimentary listing will look like click here
3. Sell and Donate
From the sale of your parks paintings, please donate a minimum of 10% to the respective park associations or foundations. Read more about this here http://www.painttheparks.com/how-to-donate. If you offer fine art prints or cards, you can also include these products in your donation program.
I look forward to hearing about your adventures (and we’ll hopefully be on some of those together:-). Please let me know of your donations, and I may feature you on PTP. I look forward to your participation, and thanks so much for helping to preserve our parks!
Cheers, Karin